Timber Wolf Shield

prairie bench wolf shield 1

Using our shield frame, the ‘Timber Wolf’ is carved in spruce, uses a braided sisal handle and has garnets for eyes. The gemstones hold the slightest red light and give the piece an ominous look. The grain of the wood dictated the outcome and suggested the wolf idea. The result, a Prairie Bench impression of the classic big, bad wolf.

The finish is a Prairie Bench Rustic Brown. This was a fun project and expect another with more dimension.

size: approx 22″ x 20″

Medieval Style Saddle Horse

A friend asked us for a version of our clothes horse for use to hold saddles. The construction is almost identical with a slightly different finish, using more wood tones and emphasis on a worn grain. Care is easy, just use saddle oil.


Prairie Bench Saddle Horse 64-BL-02-12